In the spring of 2022, June began developing her psychic abilities under the qualified teachings of Oracle Maureen. Since Oracle Maureen works closely with The Ascended Masters - Jesus, Kuan Yin, Mother Mary and Buddha - by extension, June is also a student of Theirs, as they often channel Their teachings and words of wisdom during classes. June continues to take monthly Advanced Psychic Development classes.
The Ascended Masters will sometimes deliver messages to June directly, outside of class.
"Maureen is Our chosen Oracle."
In August 2023, Kuan Yin woke June up in the middle of the night to deliver this message on behalf of God and The Ascended Masters. June was allowed this insight because she is Their (and Oracle Maureen's) devoted student.
A few months after June's psychic abilities were activated, she realized that she should learn more about where it's all coming from, so she signed up for Bible Study - again, under the qualified teachings of Oracle Maureen. Additionally, June reads the Bible on a regular basis and also seeks other ways to dive deeper into understanding the word of God, such as by actively listening to podcasts featuring Father Mike Schmitz of Bulldog Catholic at UMD, June's Alma Mater.
In the fall of 2023, June enrolled in her church's Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) program, which is for people who are working towards becoming baptized and confirmed as Catholic. In March 2024, June was finally baptized, confirmed and received her first communion. Because going through the OCIA program was such a positive experience for June, she highly recommends this for anyone who is considering wanting to become Catholic. You can read more about June's faith journey here.
A few hours after interviewing Echo Bodine for The Midwest Medium Podcast in April 2023, June's hands began to heat up unexpectedly and continued intermittently over time.
In May 2023, June desired clarity and asked Oracle Maureen why this is happening. This is the response she received, which aligned with June's intuition...
"They are activating your Hands on Healing ability. They want you to start using and studying Hands on Healing, and They did this after Echo's interview because Echo is a very evolved Hands on Healer. Read anything she has to offer about Hands on Healing, take any of her Healing classes. She falls into the category of being, obviously, a qualified teacher for Hands on Healing."
As the hot hands continued, June decided to practice healing hands on herself when she'd have any sort of physical pain, and quickly found that the pain went away.
In August 2023, Echo offered a Hands on Healing workshop for the first time in years, and June jumped at the opportunity to learn Hands on Healing by one of the most qualified and evolved modern day Healers.
This is when June truly realized she was born with the Gift of Healing, and now offers Healing sessions via Zoom.
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