June’s first supernatural experience occurred around age 4 when she saw an Angel in her bedroom. At age 12, she began to see who she thought for many years was her Spirit Guide, with her at home and while in school. This continued until June asked God to make it to stop because she did not understand what was happening or why she could see this entity with her physical eyes.
In addition to these visits, more supernatural and paranormal activity began and continued on for many years. After graduating college, June developed a strong interest in wanting to learn about psychics, so she read books by Sylvia Browne, a psychic she had grown up watching on television. That’s when she realized that some of her experiences were not her imagination, but in fact experiences described in some of these books. The paranormal and supernatural experiences continued, and around the time of her 30th birthday, June went to a local psychic medium for the first time, which turned out to be very powerful and uniquely validating experience. At this time in 2011, little did June know, this psychic medium would later become her Spiritual Teacher.
After suffering the devastating loss of her son Jack in 2018, June went on a quest to learn more about where we go after our time on earth is up. As a decade-long client of Oracle Maureen, June decided to take a class that was being offered by Her, which focused on how to communicate with ones Spirit Guides. Shortly into the class, in the spring of 2022, Mediumship came calling and June's psychic abilities were activated. Quickly and a bit overwhelmingly, June discovered that she is clairvoyant (clear seeing), claircognizant (clear knowing), and clairsentient (clear feeling). June quickly discovered that she can communicate with the souls of the departed, including deceased pets, and other people's Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels.
After coming to terms with this big lifestyle change and accepting her spiritual gifts, one evening on November 2, 2023 June was reflecting on all of the times as a young teenager when she would see who she thought was her Spirit Guide. Jesus then immediately told June, claircognizantly, "not Spirit Guide, Jesus". She was stunned - feeling confused, and truthfully, in a bit of denial. The next day, this was reaffirmed and validated again. June was seeing Jesus, with her physical eyes, all of those years ago with her at home and at school. She has since learned that He was with her to bring comfort and peace during a time when it was really needed, and this revelation was finally gifted to her many years later because she had earned the Gift of Clarity.
Through all of this, June has learned that she is able to deliver loving messages from those in the Heavenly realms, and that her psychic abilities bring comfort, healing and peace to those grieving the loss of their loved ones, and who are looking for direction while navigating their life's journey.
Shortly after her Spiritual Awakening, God spoke directly to June stating that she is to work as a Medium and a portion of her profits must go to charity. Ever since, fifty percent of her profits from Group Readings and Mentorship sessions are donated to charity in an effort to help end the suffering of humans and animals around the world.
In March of 2023, about a year after her Spiritual Awakening, June created The Midwest Medium Podcast in an effort to normalize mediumship, and because she realized that the positive side of the paranormal and supernatural is underrepresented in the mainstream media. Guests include Echo Bodine, Oracle Maureen and Dave Schrader.
In the Spring of 2023, June realized she was born with the gift of healing when her hands were heating up again and again over time. With the help of Echo Bodine, a highly evolved Healer, June learned how to work with God's Holy White Light, transmitting healing energy to help eliminate ones physical, mental, emotional or spiritual pain, in addition to clearing away negative energies around ones aura.
June donates fifty percent of her profits from all Group Reading and Mentorship sessions to charity in an effort to lessen the suffering of people and animals around the world. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in communication from the University of Minnesota, and a Master of Arts degree in mass communication from the University of Wisconsin. She has worked in the client services field for over twenty five years.
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